Brazilian Wandering Spider
The Brazilian Wandering Spider, akin to North American Wolf Spiders but larger and deadlier, boasts the most potent venom among spiders. It's highly neurologically active, earning its title as the world's most dangerous spider.
Black Widow Spider
Black widow spiders, known for their red hourglass mark, used to be deadly, favoring old outhouses. Modernization has made their bites rare.
Brown Widow Spider
The brown widow spider, akin to black widows, carries neurotoxic venom causing Latrodectism. Poor vision and slow movement off web.
The Brown Recluse Spider
Brown recluse spiders, also called violin spiders, lurk in dim spots like closets and beds. Their bite risk increases when disturbed. Range mainly Midwest to Southeast US.
Six-Eyed Sand Spider
Medium-sized, the six-eyed sand spider inhabits deserts of southern Africa. With legs spanning up to 4 inches, it's related to worldwide recluses, known for lethal bites.
Chilean Recluse Spider
The Chilean recluse spider, closely related to the brown recluse, is one of the planet's deadliest. Its bite often leads to severe reactions, even death.
Northern Funnel Web Spider
Australia's northern funnel web spider, the largest of its kind, grows over 3 inches long and prefers tree habitats. It's often found in swimming pools, requiring homeowners' intervention.
Sydney Funnel Web Spider
Meet the feared Sydney funnel web spider, an aggressive native of eastern Australia. 1-3 inches long, they dwell in silk-lined burrows, with females living longest. Responsible for 13 deaths (1927-1980).
Red Widow Spider
The red widow, a rare member of the black widow family, is highly venomous. Found mainly in south and central Florida, it's colorful yet deadly, less than an inch long.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders, part of Lycosidae family, vary in the U.S. and Europe. Typically 0.5-2 inches long, hairy, brown/gray with stripes. Not web-makers; hunters.